Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Wednesday day

Well, wednesday is finally here. It's called the hump day. Not for vulgar reasons, as I found out, but simply because that's the hump of the hill, or the week. The midpoint. The highpoint. Then things wind _down_ to a weekend.

So it's called hump day because you're halfway thru the week.

Japan school kids to be tagged with RFID chips | CNET

Japan school kids to be tagged with RFID chips | CNET

Can't people do their jobs properly for a change? Why delegate all things to a computer and sit back and do nothing? I mean how much effort does it take to close all exits except one and have a guard at that exit. Or whatever else.

Or everybody can get out if they provide their special pass code into the keypad next to the door. OK, I can see some misuse their. But seriously.

Using RFID is great for tracking luggage tho. You thought you can get away with my luggage, eh? Sucka!