Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Long Time

It's been a while since I blogged. Sometimes, things just keep happening and work just keeps piling up and one starts making more acquaintances and even a couple of friends and before long, blogging is on the back burner.

Well, I had some time tonite and decided to redesign some and to fix up the format a little more to my liking and to make an entry, while I'm at it.

Christmas came and went. Another year come and gone. And what have we done. In our own little areas where we promised ourselves that we'd focus more, did we? That's one thing that I generally think about more around the holidays and around birthdays and so on. As times moves on, there has to be positive changes. Life is a gift from God and it should be treated as such with thanksgiving to God and an effort to spend it more according to His will. :)

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